Our team at Rainbow Diversity Institute is well versed in developing custom, educational services that focus on training in equity, diversity, anti-oppression, decolonization, anti-black racism, inclusion, equality, and gender diversity.
We provide assessments, develop strategic plans, facilitate workshops, and provide resources and programming support to implement EDI best practices.
See below for a comprehensive overview of each service.
We will work with your team to advance equity in your organization through evidence-based research and policies using best practices in the industry. Our equity training will provide your team with the support, skills, tools and resources to encourage a more productive and inclusive environment for all members of your community to thrive. Our equity training will help people in your organization understand and identify ideological, interpersonal, institutional, and internalized oppression and barriers within your establishment. Our training increases understanding of systemic barriers to decolonization, equity and true inclusion and provides tangible steps towards progress. Our equity training is geared towards the specific needs of your organization and will leave participants feeling empowered with their capabilities and ready to make tangible differences. It is necessary to select an effective equity consultant who is able to deliver engaging workshops that provide participants with the necessary skills to make tangible differences towards equity.
Strategic Planning is an opportunity to reflect on your achievements, assess internal barriers to success, scan the environment in which you are working for opportunities and obstacles, and develop a multi-year plan to implement your mission.
Some components of strategic planning include:
Mission and Vision Statements
Values Statements or Guiding Principles
Community Engagement Activities
Long-term Strategic Objectives
Short-term Goals/Priorities/Initiatives
Action Items/Plans
Monitoring & Evaluation Plan
Equity Assessment is an opportunity to assess your organization’s commitment to, practice of, and goals for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
Some components of equity assessment include:
Establishing an EDI Baseline
Identifying Gaps and Barriers to EDI
Surveying and Interviewing Staff, Clients, Board Members and Community Members
EDI Action Planning
Reporting on EDI: Past, Present and Future
This training is targeted to public figures, known leaders, executives, elect officials, etc. These decision makers have to be able to make well informed and intentional decisions that ensure people equitably participate and are able to reach their full potential. From executives who are pressed to reform biased hiring processes, to public leaders who manage complaints of unjust practices and protocols, decisions-makers are under the scrutinizing eye of the public, who are looking for equitable rulings that have an action plan of amendment.
Public leaders, although knowledgeable, are often not adequately prepared to address cases made by the groups who are pursuing equity. The lack of knowledge of the history and social contexts of marginalized groups leaves these leaders ill-prepared to proceed and may result in decisions that cause more bad than good. This executive training will provide the space for them to gain a deeper understanding of these realities, without the judgement of the public.
In this training, we will learn how racism, sexism, ableism, and other types of discrimination are unconsciously reflected in policies and programs. We will discuss feasible and effective strategies that lead to the full participation of all people.
In professional settings, a conference can yield many benefits. It provides a space where leaders within a company gather and be part of a conversation of social experiences and learn from key experts, community workers and leaders. Conferences are opportunities to better know employees as individuals and as part of diverse communities, and to improve our understanding of the varying needs of all demographics.
Coaching and one off sessions are designed to instill knowledge of how to properly implement equitable policies. The multi-session programming brings a deeper level of understanding and provides the space for the equitable policies that are implemented.
The one-off sessions may only include certain members of the company/organization. While participants of these sessions gain valuable equity skills, all members of the company/organization would need to be in the same understanding of equity to make the necessary political and cultural change within the company/organization. The multi-session program provides the support for equity to be sustained and have a long lasting effect on the workability of the space.
The matter of inclusion and diversity is the pressing topic for most companies, organizations and institutions. There is a need for equity to be integrated within the policies, work culture, public image and client opportunities. Without the proper knowledge and training, there is a risk of not seeing the full scope of the ways equity and inclusion can be lacking. A narrow view of equity can have detrimental impacts for an organization, including a negative reputation, biased hiring processes, unwelcoming working environment, and discriminatory policies. For example, the language used to represent positions availability may have adverse effects and discourage potential applicants from applying and give them the impression they may not be hired. To ensure that companies comprised the most dynamic and effective team, our experts will work with your team to review and create policies that promote equity and inclusion.
Many companies today employ staff to address the growing demand of diversification and inclusion and to sustain equitable policies in the work culture. The task of initiating equitable strategies highly benefits the counsel and supervision of professionals who are well-versed in equity and inclusion implementation. We can offer support to HR departments, equity, diversity and inclusion leads in introducing new programs and policies to your company. Our experts will offer strategies specifically geared to the needs of your organization and offer realistic timelines and goals.
Organizations committed to diversity and inclusion may consider inviting a professional to engage with a vast audience to define anti-oppression and equity, give examples and answer questions. For example, a professionally trained equity and inclusion consultant can give examples of what an inequitable vs. an equitable situation looks like showing the importance and value that can be created with an equitable workspace. Audience members will gain understanding of how equity applies to their position/area of work. Our team will be able to engage in nuanced discussions, provide important understanding of language, answer complex questions, introduce best practices, and help the audience start to engage in critical equity thought.
Our experts will support your equity-based research needs. We hail from diverse academic and social backgrounds and hold expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Our team can support your research project to help you design services that are properly geared towards the needs of your organization. Research can help you identify the gaps in your organization and inequities that may not be as obvious to people in power.
Stress, personality differences, competition over resources, inequitable work distribution, or other mitigating factors can lead to conflict between individuals or groups. Conflicts can be both time-consuming and harmful to all parties involved. Our consultants will work with parties to clarify issues, identify problems and provide tangible steps that can be taken to resolve conflicts. Our experts will support your members through emotionally charged conversations and provide restorative solutions.